ITP | Conducting Implementation Research in Impact Studies of Education Interventions
May 3, 2024, Noon-1:30 pm Central Time
259 Educational Sciences and Zoom
Carolyn Hill
Senior Fellow, MDRC

Evaluations of education interventions can help decision makers improve schools and programs in ways that help all learners succeed and achieve their full potential. High-quality impact studies of education interventions provide the strongest evidence about whether interventions improve academic outcomes. Yet information about whether and by how much a tested intervention improves outcomes is only part of the story. To learn why and how impact findings vary and to support the broader use of effective interventions, educators need to understand how, and under what conditions, the intervention was implemented. High-quality implementation research can contribute to these understandings.
In this 90-minute learning seminar, authors of a forthcoming guide from the Institute of Education Sciences will offer guidance on conducting implementation research as part of high-quality impact studies of education interventions. The seminar will provide recommendations and specific steps to help researchers conducting impact studies develop, plan, and report findings from implementation research to further contribute to the evidence base to improve student outcomes.
This learning seminar is funded by IES, and is open to interested graduate students, ITP affiliates, and ITP faculty trainers. Please register in advance if you wish to attend the presentation via Zoom. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting. As a reminder, there are advanced readings for this seminar. Attendees may read the guide on which the seminar is based either before or after the learning seminar. The small-group discussions will draw on details from the What Works Clearinghouse Intervention Report for FLIGHT. Attendees can prepare to engage fully in the small-group discussions by reading pages 3 and 7 from the WWC report in advance.