CAG | Teaching and Attending to Culture, Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in Program Evaluation
February 3, 2020, 12 - 1 pm & 1 - 2 pm
Room 253, Educational Sciences Building
Ayesha S. Boyce
Assistant Professor, University of North Carolina Greensboro

Carl A. Grant Scholars Lecture Series
The American Evaluation Association’s 2019 Promising New Evaluator, who also co-directs UNC Greensboro’s assessment, evaluation and research services, presents strategies on embodying program evaluation with the values of a more just society. She addresses how it can become a social, cultural, and political force to address issues of inequity while still maintaining methodological rigor and trustworthiness.
Following the 12 p.m, colloquium, the speaker will present at a:
Graduate Student Session & Catered Lunch, 1–2 pm, Room 253, Ed Sci Building
Graduate School and Work-Life Balance: Reflections and Advice from an Early Career Evaluation Scholar, Teacher, and Practitioner
Ayesha Boyce will provide reflections and advice for graduate students based on her 12 years of evaluation experience as a teacher and practitioner. She will focus on student skills for success including self-care, career planning, and work-life balance and conclude her talk with a question and answer session.