Emily Kurth
WIDA Professional Learning Specialist
Emily works as a Professional Learning Curriculum Specialist and draws upon her years in multilingual education to design and develop workshops and resources for educators. Prior to joining WIDA, she worked in various capacities in K-8 settings serving multilingual communities in urban and suburban Chicago. Her previous roles include a bilingual and ESL teacher, a dual language teacher, a culturally and linguistically diverse instructional coach and a bilingual program coordinator. Emily also facilitated adult learning from her years living in Barcelona, Spain where she provided English language instruction to business professionals and university students. She received a BA from Indiana University-Bloomington in Elementary Education with a focus in Spanish and Art History, and her MA in Curriculum and Instruction (ESL) from Concordia University in River Forest, IL. Through her work, Emily seeks to create equitable academic experiences for multilingual students, promote culturally and linguistically responsive instructional practices and leverage the diversity of multilingual communities to enrich the landscape of education today.