Qualitative, Quantitative, and IQ2 Studies for the Student Achievement Guarantee in Education (SAGE) Program Evaluation Project
The multidisciplinary team working on the SAGE evaluation has undertaken an ambitious plan of research that has three distinct but related elements:
1.A multi-level study of SAGE implementation that analyzes the reciprocal relationships among teaching and administrative practices, opportunities for educators and student outcomes.
2. A pilot of an integrated methodology designed to leverage diverse disciplinary perspectives and methods and the potential synergy of their use in a single large scale study. Through this integration, we hope to produce new information via data collection and analysis that incorporates constructs and findings across approaches and sources.
3. A synchronous research-policy-practice design intended to build on the integrated methodology and extend it so that research, policy, and practice are linked in a seamless system.
This approach aims to yield important knowledge at multiple levels and for diverse audiences.