Evaluation and Assessment of K-5 Kenosha Unified School District's Elementary Mathematics Program

A team of evaluators from the Wisconsin Evaluation Collaborative (WEC), led by Principal Investigator Robin Worth, is evaluating Kenosha Unified School District's (KUSD's) elementary math program. The mixed-methods program evaluation is one component of KUSD's newly implemented 7-year curriculum review and adoption cycle.

During the 2016-17 school year, the team has gathered feedback from a wide range of stakeholders (elementary teachers, principals, 6th grade math teachers, parents, students, and central office personnel) on the current math program, its accessibility to students, and how it may be improved.

The evaluation uses a variety of data collection methods, including focus groups, interviews, and surveys and also involves the analysis of student outcome data related to mathematics.

Evaluation results will be used to inform KUSD's selection of an elementary math curriculum, as well as its related professional development and other aspects of the overall elementary math program. Partnering with Dr. Worth's team is Professor Hala Ghousseini (C&I), whose expertise involves how teachers can teach mathematics responsibly and ambitiously, and how they learn to do it.

WEC Evaluators: Robin Worth, Grant Sim, Hala Ghousseini, Jessica Arrigoni, Lisa Geraghty, Brie Chapa

External Consultant: Tim Schell, Waunakee Community School District


Robin Worth


Completed on June 30, 2018

Contact Information

Robin Worth