Carl A. Grant Scholars Lecture: What if I (We) Don’t? Leading to Mobilize a Human Infrastructure for Equitable STEM Education

October 17, 2023 – October 17, 2023, Noon to 1:00 p.m.

259 Educational Sciences

Stefanie Marshall

Assistant Professor of Science Education, Michigan State University

Stefanie Marshall

Zoom link:

Those in STEM education are responsible for mobilizing equitable science education. The scalability of equitable science education is largely dependent upon an infrastructure designed to support and translate state-level equity-centered policies to local school contexts. We commonly think of infrastructure as a system of parts or components directly connecting to conventions of practice around curriculum, assessments, etc. However, the humanness of infrastructures must also be attended to as we strive to align collective equity efforts. This talk will highlight barriers identified by science and STEM leaders and strategies required to address them by mobilizing a human infrastructure for equitable STEM education within their organization.